Monday, June 23, 2008

Nap Blog

Grammy came to town to spend Saturday with the babe so that A. and I could spend some time together. We took obscene advantage of the opportunity!  We went to an all day "summer solstice" show that was rocked by The Thirsties and So Hush Hush, among others. The sound was fantastic. In this case, learn from esthymom's mistake. Always take sunscreen to an outdoor show.

After that, A. and I went to an event for National Go Skateboarding Day. We got there for the last hour. There was a lot of sweat and scalded skin. Clearly, I was not the only person who forgot my SPF. It was a very positive event and it brought lots of attention to Pour It Now, a local non-profit who are working to fund and build skateparks in South Carolina. If you are in a position to support their efforts, you will be helping to make Columbia a place for the babe to one day shred safely.  POUR IT NOW

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

IGSD represent! Look at you trying to provide awareness to the skate cause. Rad! V will be on her first skateboard by age two (unless the noise of the urethane wheels rolling against the concrete STILL scares her. I love you, K.