The diaper cover is an item of clothing I never imagined I could be so smitten by. I can honestly say, I have never spent a minute of my time thinking anything like, "hmm...I could really use an adorable, ruffly garment to cover the poop-sponge I wrap around my baby's hiney!" Oh, what I was missing!
There is an undeniable cuteness to a baby's bottom. To cover that bottom with ruffles, hearts, leopard print or screen-printed bombs has got to be the final frontier in cute. I double dog dare you to find its rival. It's a godsend for southern summers. Not to mention, it's a pretty budget-friendly fashion statement.

Sarah Louise Ruffle Panties
The drawls that started it all for me. With more ruffles than an Elizabethan court on pay day!
If you want your ruffles a little less precious, a little more pop. I think the hat makes this a beachy combo.
Yowza, Bombshell babe!
Modern charm
Funky and functional. Using repurposed sweaters, the wool is "naturally antimicrobial" and water resistant. Especially good choice for those using cloth diapers.
For the rockabilly kitten with a sense of humor about what's inside the diaper. They come with cherries, too.
Honorable Mention:
These blur the line between diaper cover and mini-skirt. I almost didn't post them because I am hoping to buy them first!
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